Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Before staring the creaion of the composite setup make sure to click on
the buton with the camera that is at the botom right-hand side corner of
the renderlayer node; that way the image buffer will be created and the
composiing nodes will have the informaion they need to work with.
Noice that the small nodes put above some processing nodes are just Viewer
nodes, used to inspect the result of the processing at that point. A Viewer node can
be added by going to Add → Output → Viewer and it can be collapsed by clicking
on the triangle on its top left.
Now that we have a general idea of how the setup must be constructed, let's start
with row A:
This row serves the purpose of performing a wide blur of the image from the
renderlayer. The first node is a Blur node ( Add → Filter → Blur ) that receives the
output from the image slot in the renderlayer node; it performs a strong blurring on
that image using the Fast Gaussian method and using the value of 70 both for the
X and Y size parameters; we can then see a series of RGB Curves nodes ( Add →
Color → RGB Curves ), which in reality are just one single RGB Curves node, but
separated here to show side by side the curve for each channel. You will see that
the color and green channels are being pushed to be more bright; the red channel
is being brightened up a bit only in the shadows; finally, the blue channel is being
strongly pushed to become brighter. The connecion between these nodes is the
obvious: Output slot "image" of a node goes into input slot "image" of the next node
in the row, from left to right.
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