Graphics Programs Reference
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Engage Thrusters
Let's change the name for the default scene to Mother Ship , select the default cube
and delete it ( X key or the Delete key); the camera and light can be left in, so we can
perform some render tests if needed. Remember the menu entries indicated are
from the menu located in the 3D View header (horizontal bar at the botom).
Set the 3D viewport to Top View by going to View → Top ( Numpad 7 ), orthographic
mode ( View → View Persp/Ortho or Numpad 5 ), and make sure the 3D Cursor is
located at (0,0,0) ; if it isn't, go to View → Align View → Center Cursor and View
All (Shift C) .
Now add a plane and enter Edit Mode . Select the two verices forming the
rightmost edge (verical edge) and move it - 1 unit along the X axis ( G key, X key,
then type "-1"); then scale it by a factor of 1.6 ( S key, then type "1.6") to create a
trapezoid shape and coninue by extruding and moving the extruded edge straight
along the posiive X axis by 0.5 units ( E key, Esc key, G key, X key, then type "0.5").
Finish the basic shape by extruding the rightmost edge, moving the extruded edge
along the posiive X axis by 3.6 units ( E key, Esc key, G key, X key, then type "3.6")
and scaling it by a factor of 0.16 ( S key, then type "0.16") to get a short edge. The
important thing to pay atenion to here is not the exact measurements, but the
shape of the object and how the proporions work to give some sense of form. Go
ahead and play with the proporions unil they look nice; be careful to keep the
edges correctly aligned. Here is a screenshot to show what the model should look
like by now:
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