Graphics Programs Reference
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F Spot Shape panel:
Size: 45º
Blend: 1.0
F No Shadow ( Shadow panel)
This light will serve only the purpose of helping the viewer to know the shape of the planet
more easily by lighing a thin border in the dark zone of the planetEarth object. Noice the
very high value used for the energy.
Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
The lighing setup that we created is a very common setup—a light acts as the main (key)
light working as the primary light source. A second light is used to fill the areas that cannot
be lit by the key light. Noice that the illing must be subtle to keep the idea of shadow.
Finally, the rim light is needed to help the viewer in 'reading' the shape of the object, which
is very important to separate the main subject from the rest of the scene.
The nice thing about composiing is that we don't have to put much efort into the scene; but
just make sure that it ofers enough richness to be used as the staring point for composiing.
Compositing Preparation
The setup that we are going to create is a bit complex, so we beter perform some
preparaion tasks in advance. Let's start by looking at a diagram summarizing the general
structure and deining some notaion to aid in understanding the writen explanaion.
Noice the three diferent kinds of blocks used in the previous diagram. They are needed
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