Graphics Programs Reference
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Next, go to the Texture tab in the Properties Editor , add a texture for the
SpecFlecksA material, name it flecksA , and set it as follows:
F Type: Noise
F Mapping panel:
Size: 10 X, 10 Y, 10 Z
F Influence panel:
Diffuse Color: disabled
Specular Intensity: enabled, 1.0
Blend: Muliply
This material is just used to add small lecks on the surface, which is done by seing
a very strong specularity and then modulaing it with a texture. The Muliply blend
mode causes the flecks to only appear where the noise texture is white. Make sure
to put this node as the top left one in the setup.
10. Now add a new material node ( Add → Input → Material ), name it as baseGray ,
leave only the Diffuse opion enabled, and make sure to have it selected. Go to the
Material tab in the Properties Editor and set it as follows:
F Diffuse Color: 0.68 Red, 0.69 Green, 0.70 Blue
This is the second node on the left-hand side of the setup.
11. Now add the third node, put it below the first two, name it as DarkSpec , and
leave it enabled only in the Diffuse channel. Then set its specular intensity
to 1.0 and its hardness to 3 in the Material tab of the Properties Editor .
12. The next step is to add a Mix node ( Add → Color → Mix ), put it on the right-hand
side of the column of three nodes that we just created, and connect the color output
of the speckFlecksA node into the Fac input, the one for the baseGray node into
the Color1 input and the one for the DarkSpec node into the Color2 input.
13. This first mix node must be combined with a new node material. Let's add a new
material node ( Add → Input → Material ), create a new material, and name it
SpecFlecksB . Make sure to only leave the Specular channel enabled on this node.
Select it, go to the Material tab in the Properties Editor and set it as follows:
F Diffuse Color: 0.0 Red, 0.0 Green, 0.0 Blue
F Specular panel:
Intensity: 0.7
Hardness: 3
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