Graphics Programs Reference
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26. Start by locaing the three edges of the front fender that run between the wheel and
the headlight, and are on the border of that patch. Select the edges, duplicate them,
and move them down just a bit to get a clear separaion between the old patch and
the new one.
27. We now need to select the two shorter edges and perform three successive
extrusions in order to shape the remaining part of the circular shape of the bumper
surrounding the wheel. In this case, we should not distribute the extrusions evenly,
but instead get the first one to use half of the space to fill, the second one more
than half of the remaining space, and the third one to fill the small remaining space.
Tweak a bit to get the curvy shape correctly defined.
28. Then find the vertex that belongs to this patch and is located towards the left-hand
side (we are working in the right view) and just perform three successive extrusions
going straight down. Put the extruded verices around the same height as the ones
directly to the right-hand side. When you are done with these easy extrusions, just
go on creaing the ill faces by selecing four of them and using the F key.
An easier way to fill faces manually is by switching to Edge Select Mode ,
selecing two edges each ime, and pressing the F key.
It's now ime to do some more...extrusions!
29. In the right view, select the three letmost verical edges of the front bumper
patch, go to the top view, and extrude once. Move the extrusion just a bit to start
generaing the curvature of the corner of the front bumper.
30. Coninue by extruding again from the top view and moving the extrusion in front of
and below the headlight, right in the middle of the bumper.
31. It's then ime to go to the front view, deselect the upper vertex from the last
extrusion, and move the remaining selecion in the negaive direcion of the Y axis
(in the right view region). Using the reference blueprint to guide us in shaping the
patch is very easy, so let's do it.
32. To inish the front bumper patch, we just need to select the four verices running
verically below the headlight, perform three successive extrusions in the top view,
and keep moving them to the left-hand side. The first extrusion must end touching
the leftmost part of the headlight, the second one must be moved to less than half
of the remaining space, and the last one can just be moved to the left-hand side
unil the clipping of the Mirror Modiier sicks it to the YZ plane of the 3D world.
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