Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating the device detector
The first function we'll create is one that will detect whether we actually have a
gamepad plugged in. Unity inherently gives us a way to make this very easy.
Adding the variables needed
First, we'll add variables that we'll use in the detection and identification functions.
Add these to the top of your script, just after the class declaration:
bool isControllerConnected = false;
public string Controller = "";
This Boolean will be used in later functions to determine whether there is a gamepad
connected. The string will be used to hold the name of the gamepad connected.
Creating the detection function
Our next step is to add the DetectController function. This will use the Boolean
we created earlier and check whether there is a gamepad connected. Add the follow-
ing code to your script:
void DetectController()
if(Input.GetJoystickNames()[0] != null)
isControllerConnected = true;
isControllerConnected = false;
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