Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
This function uses the GetJoystickNames function of the input, which gets and re-
turns an array of strings, which consists of the names of the connected gamepads.
We use this to set our Boolean to true or false; true meaning there's a device
connected and false meaning that the game couldn't detect a device. The reason
we use a try-catch expression is because if there is no gamepad connected In-
put.GetJoystickNames() will give you an IndexOutOfRangeException er-
Creating the identifier function
Our last step in creating the device detector will be to add the ability to identify the
gamepad connected. Add this function to the script, just below the DetectCon-
troller function:
void IdentifyController()
Controller = Input.GetJoystickNames()[0];
As you can see, we are assigning the name of the gamepad connected to our Con-
troller variable. To use this function, call it within the DetectController func-
tion, in the if statement, where we set isControllerConnected to true .
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