Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Reverse Spine. Changes the x/y location of the blend objects without changing
the stacking order. Select a blend object, click the Object menu, point to Blend ,
and then click Reverse Spine .
Replace Spine. Replaces the current spine in a blend with a new path. Create a
new path for the spine, select a blend object and the new path, click the Object
menu, point to Blend , and then click Replace Spine .
Recolor. Select all the objects in the blend that you want to recolor, click the Re-
color Artwork button on the Control panel, specify the color changes you want,
and then click OK .
Transform. Select all the objects in the blend, and then use the object's bounding
box, the Free Transform tool, or other transformation tools.
Reshape Path. Move one of the original blend objects with the Direct Selection
tool or use any of the reshaping path tools.
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