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These procedures follow the same syntax as general always procedure though
several limitations apply.
Procedure always_comb
The always_comb procedure is intended to represent combinational logic. It has
an implicit sensitivity list including all variables read within the block or within
functions called from this block. The always_comb procedure is automatically
executed at time 0 to have its outputs consistent with its inputs. Consult the LRM
for other rules and restrictions imposed on the always_comb procedure.
Example 2.3.
The following code illustrates a mux implementation using
always_comb .
logic in1, in2, sel, out;
if (sel) out = in2;
else out = in1;
The signal out cannot be assigned anywhere else in the code because it is
assigned within an always_comb procedure.
Procedure always_latch
The always_latch procedure is intended to represent latched logic. From the
formal point of view there is no difference between the always_comb and
always_latch procedures, and the appropriate procedure should be chosen to
clarify the design intent. However, the tools may impose additional checks. For
example, unlike always_latch , they may enforce that the variables assigned inside
always_comb are fully assigned.
Example 2.4. The following code illustrates a latch implementation using
always_latch .
logic data, clk, q;
if (clk) q = data;
The signal q cannot be assigned anywhere else in the code because it is assigned
inside an always_latch procedure.
Procedure always_ff
The always_ff procedure is intended to represent sequential logic, such as flip-
flops and registers. Unlike the general always procedure, the always_ff procedure
contains exactly one event control and no blocking timing controls (such as delay
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