Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Documenting for Wearables
Just like the traditional electronics industry, the craft/construction field has special termin-
ology to describe its tools and techniques. When you are sharing information about your
project, you should make a list of every tool you touch while making that project. Do not
assume that the potential user shares your adhesives hoarding behavior or art supply addic-
tion. Clarify which type of tool you're using if multiple options exist (as shown in Figure
9.12 ) . If you use any specialty equipment like a serger or 3D printer, suggest an alternative
for those users who do not have access to these devices. Provide resources for obtaining
and using all tools and equipment, and make a point to mention any safety measures neces-
sary to carry out the task at hand. You may have to include pictures of specific tools used
for crafting and construction; Figure 9.12 shows an example of the various scissors used
for different jobs.
(Source: Image courtesy of adafruit.com )
Figure 9.12 Different scissors for different jobs.
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