Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Held in early August, this popular half-marathon, 10km run and 5km run/walk passes
through Volcano village and nearby subdivisions. Kids can compete, too.
Volcanic smog - vog as it's known in these parts - is a toxic cocktail of sulfur diox-
ide and other airborne nasties, including glass particles. Since Kilauea changed its
eruption pattern in 2008, vog has affected the island much more seriously; ac-
cording to park rangers, Kilauea's vog output has more than doubled. When you're
downwind it can be hard to breathe, especially for those with respiratory problems.
A handy daily sulfur dioxide meter for the island is available at SO2 Alert Index
( ).
Volcano has more accommodations than a fern has branches and many are excellent. Al-
most all properties have a two-night minimum stay or a one-night surcharge. For more
listings see Vacation Rentals by Owner ( ) .
Volcano Inn INN $
( 800-628-3876, 967-7773; ; 19-3820 Old Volcano Rd; r $89-139; )
This inn consists of two properties. Apart from some minor aesthetic blunders (glaring
signage, photos tacked to walls), it offers outstanding value. The main building contains
immaculate rooms with bright varnished wooden floors and ceilings, and a cooked
breakfast, in a positive community atmosphere. The restaurant has also started cooking
dinner for guests (mains $8 to $10).
This definitely helps, given limited options elsewhere. A separate site has nine cot-
tages that are also great value, particularly for families. The corner window rooms here
have great views of the fern forest. This is a solid mid-range hotel at budget prices.
Prices fall significantly for longer stays.
Holo Holo In HOSTEL $
( 808-967-7950; ; 19-4036 Kalani Honua Rd; dm $24, r $60-75; )
While the exterior could use a cleanup, the two six-bed dorms and four private rooms are
sizable and feel like a lodge. Well-equipped kitchen and laundry.
Volcano Rainforest Retreat COTTAGE $$$
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