Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6-47. The Slug with Box collider
Drag the Slug into the Prefabs' Characters folder to create a prefab for it.
You will revisit the Slug in Chapter 11 to finish setting it up.
The Animated Assets folder is getting cluttered. Let's take a moment to get organized.
Create a new folder in the Animated Assets folder, and name it
Animator Controllers .
Drag the animator controllers into the new folder.
Native Animation
For simple animations, you may prefer to create the clips directly in Unity. Unity has an Animation
editor, where you can create key-frame animation for almost any settable parameter. You may create
animation clips for Humanoid rigs and Legacy rigs, but not Generic rigs.
For your game, when the gnome character blasts a zombie bunny, it will be replaced by a burn-up
replacement mesh. That object will not have a bone system, but to keep from littering the scene with
the “dead replacements,” you will scale the object down to almost nothing before deleting it from
the scene.
Create a new folder in the Project view, and name it Animation Clips .
Select the ToastedZombie from the Animated Assets folder.
On import, the ToastedZombie was given a Generic Rig even though it had no animation. You will
be creating an animation clip for it, but there is something you must understand about animations.
Animations use absolute values. If an object's position transform is animated at point A and you
position it to a different location, it will return to point A to animate. You should always parent the
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