Geoscience Reference
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In one approach, which is explained in detail [ 9 ], a robust algorithm for the
autonomous reconstruction of buildings from sparse LiDAR data was used. No prior
knowledge and supplementary sources were needed in this paper. The classi
of the point cloud into terrain and off-terrain points was done by a
filtering process
that uses global functions in the form of orthogonal polynomials. The iteration
process was based on a
fitted function that passes between laser points. In the sub-
sequent iterations, the degree of the polynomial was decreased. The reduction of the
polygon degree was done in accordance with an evaluation of the residuals. The
assumption was that terrain points have negative residuals and off-terrain points have
positive residuals. The
final result was reached when the iteration did not change the
shape of the terrain, so only the terrain points in
uenced the polynomial [ 10 ].
Separated areas of off-terrain points were then
filtered by size and height above the
ground. Filtered points that created planes as roof parts were further grouped into
segments and classi
ed in unique roof faces. Between roof faces, topological rela-
tions were identi
ed and from this information, an adjacency graph was created
which was very useful for the determination of roof types. The crease edges between
the roof faces were computed by the plane intersection. Boundaries of buildings were
derived from their roof edges that were detected using the Hough Transformation. It
was an approximate solution with lines that were geometrically incorrect, they were
not parallel and rectangular. Extracted lines were also
fixed using an adjustment with
specific weights for roof edges according to their classification into three classes:
horizontal crease edges, non-horizontal crease edges and border lines. The adjust-
ment was not a destructive operation so it had no in
uence on topology. The gen-
eration of buildings was completed after the adjustment of their bounding lines.
This solution [ 9 ] is much more sophisticated than the one that is described in
Haala and Brenner [ 1 ], where the shapes of buildings were determined by a seg-
mentation of DSM in the raster form and a subsequent extraction of planar regions.
The planar range image segmentation algorithm [ 11 ] was used because it was fast,
essentially simple and scored very well if compared to other algorithms [ 12 ]. The
algorithm is based on the segmentation of a regular DSM grid into straight 3D line
segments which are used as a starting position for the region growing process. The
main advantage of this algorithm is that it requires no a priori knowledge. How-
ever, the algorithm has a problem with the precise extraction of region boundaries.
The author solved this problem by using ground plans. The problem was bypassed
instead of being solved.
The following part of the text is dedicated to an analysis of commercial software,
which is designed for the automatic generation of 3D building models.
3 Methodology and Data
The automatic generation of 3D building models will be tested in ENVI LiDAR
(more detailed in [ 13 ]). Other commercial products are INPHO Building Generator,
tridicon CityModeller and tridicon BuildingFinder. INPHO Building Generator and
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