Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Impacts are dependent on both the important commercial crop and the
environment conditions in the region. The relevant changes or deviation in
desirable performance (quality fruit production) under increased tempera-
ture and changed rainfall conditions are important. The trend of research
and development, technology developed and its updates, feasibility stud-
ies in the context of present scenario should be in the forms/way of recom-
mendations, current use and adoption. This fruit crop is very responsive to
changes in different climate variables, seasonal variation, but farmers and
scientists involvement in generating short-term and midterm responses to
cope with likely losses in yield and quality by mitigating the ill effects
are also on. In order to better manage these processes and practices, im-
pacts need to be properly assessed. The effects of climate on physiological
aspects during particular period of growth phases and the evaluation of
technologies with their adoption levels are to be analyzed properly for this
fruit crop. The emphasis should be on water use efficiency to adapt to the
hot and dry conditions, nutrient management to withstand adverse situa-
tion. Apart from these, measures to reduce the ill effects of the increase in
temperature and CO 2 on litchi is required as because there is limited efforts
made on these aspects. Hence the detailed studies are required to quantify
the impact and assess the vulnerability of litchi crop growth and quality
fruit production in the context of climatic issues and there is need to adopt
several approaches and concerted efforts.
As among the perennial fruit crops, litchi is highly sensitive to changes
in climate and climate variability. To assess the impacts of future climate
on its production, simulation models are required, by integrating the all
possible information regarding the ecology, growth and physiological de-
velopment of crop, the local weather, the existing management practices,
the soil characteristics. The proposed model should be developed for tak-
ing care of vegetative and reproductive growth, phonological aspects and
other concerns for quality production and it should be specifically based
on other models developed for perennial fruit crops.
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