Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The timely adoption of technologies and application of proper input, also
create suitable condition for normal vegetative and reproductive growth of
the trees, which result in high fruit yield and better quality. The ideal cli-
matic conditions can also be created by managing the orchard with inten-
sive culture technique and proper infrastructural development, which will
also be helpful in addressing the adverse impact of climate change (more
particularly the variable climatic conditions) in litchi production and pro-
ductivity. It should be mainly based on comparing the ideal climatic condi-
tions projecting the potential differences with technological interventions
in particular set of environmental conditions at region specific basis.
The adaptation strategies as planned under should include mainly to
increase nutrient and water use efficiency, modify the nutrient applica-
tion rates, nutrient availability by use of soil amendments and cultural
practices, modifying the canopy architectural design, rejuvenation of old
senile unproductive orchards, intercrops and need based intercultural op-
erations, use of mulching and recommended type of mulching material,
nutrient management with more emphasis on organic farming, water man-
agement strategically for enhancing water use efficiency, use of integrated
pest management practices to control the pest complex preventing the sig-
nificant loss due to their damage.
The efforts towards mitigating the ill effect of climate change is all about
trying to minimize the amount of green house gases, we release into atmo-
sphere. The first or rather foremost direct approach will be through activi-
ties such as to go for litchi plantation in suitable areas, to adopt practices
and use inputs which promote the build up of organic matter (humus) in
soils. The recommended spacing under normal and high density planting
should be followed with utmost care and attention for better results.
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