Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 5.34 The characteristics for a range of Intel parts based on the Nehalem mi-
croarchitecture . This chart still collapses a variety of entries in each row (from 2 to 8!). The
price is for an order of 1000 units.
In the 1980s and 1990s, with the birth and development of ILP, software in the form of op-
timizing compilers that could exploit ILP was key to its success. Similarly, the successful ex-
ploitation of thread-level parallelism will depend as much on the development of suitable soft-
ware systems as it will on the contributions of computer architects. Given the slow progress
on parallel software in the past 30-plus years, it is likely that exploiting thread-level parallel-
ism broadly will remain challenging for years to come. Furthermore, your authors believe that
there is signiicant opportunity for beter multicore architectures. To design those architects
will require a quantitative design discipline and the ability to accurately model tens to hun-
dreds of cores running trillions of instructions, including large-scale applications and oper-
ating systems. Without such a methodology and capability, architects will be shooting in the
dark. Sometimes you're lucky, but often you miss.
5.11 Historical Perspectives and References
Section L.7 (available online) looks at the history of multiprocessors and parallel processing.
Divided by both time period and architecture, the section features discussions on early experi-
mental multiprocessors and some of the great debates in parallel processing. Recent advances
are also covered. References for further reading are included.
Case Studies and Exercises by Amr Zaky and David
A. Wood
Case Study 1: Single-Chip Multicore Multiprocessor
Concepts illustrated by this Case Study
■ Snooping Coherence Protocol Transitions
■ Coherence Protocol Performance
■ Coherence Protocol Optimizations
■ Synchronization
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