Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Moving layers
Layers appear in the same stacking order in which they appear in the Layers panel. For
instance, in the i le you have been working on in this lesson, the green square was created
last and is at the top of the stacking order, essentially covering up the yellow circle and red
square wherever it is positioned.
By moving the position of a layer, you can change the way an image looks, which allows
you to experiment with dif erent image compositions.
With the mylayers.psd i le still open, click and drag the green square layer in the
Layers panel below the red square layer. Release the mouse button when you see a
light bar appear underneath the red square layer. The dark line indicates the location
of the layer that you are dragging. Notice that the green square may not be visible at
this time because it is underneath the red square, and thus hidden.
Click and drag to reorder layers.
You may i nd it easier to use keyboard commands to move the layers' positions in
the stacking order. Select the green square layer and press Ctrl+] (right bracket)
(Windows) or Command+] (right bracket) (Mac OS) to move it up one level in the
stacking order. Press this keyboard combination again to move the green square layer
back to the top of the stacking order.
Select the yellow circle layer and press Ctrl+[ (left bracket) (Windows) or Command+[
(left bracket) (Mac OS) to put the yellow circle one level down in the stacking order,
essentially placing it behind the red square. Press Ctrl+] (right bracket) (Windows)
or Command+] (right bracket) (Mac OS) to move it back up one level in the layer
stacking order.
The image layers should now be back in the same order as when the image was
originally created: red square on the bottom, yellow circle in the middle, and green
square on the top.
Choose File > Save. Keep the i le open for the next part of this lesson.
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