Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) operates information and gift centres at key areas.
There is one in the arrivals hall at Chek Lap Kok, open daily 8am-9pm. The Hong Kong Is-
land office is at The Peak Piazza (between The Peak Tower and The Peak Galleria), daily
11am-8pm. On the Kowloon side in Tsim Sha Tsui, there's an office on the Star Ferry Con-
course, daily 8am-8pm. The HKTB Visitor Hotline, tel: 2508 1234, operates daily
9am-6pm, .
The HKTB publishes free brochures and literature; the Official Hong Kong Guide is a
monthly information booklet with an overview of attractions, shopping tips and current
events and exhibitions. Free maps are available. There are several weekly and monthly pub-
lications, free at restaurants, bars and other outlets, including Hong Kong Diary, BC
magazine ( ) and the HK magazine ( ) The South
China Morning Post ( ) has daily listings. A new arrival on the scene is the
fortnightly Time Out Hong Kong ( ) .
The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO; hotline tel: 2833 3000, ) is at Chek Lap Kok, daily 9.30am-13pm, 14-17.45pm. MGTO
offices are at both ends of the Macau ferry terminal: Room 336, 3/F, on the departure floor
in Hong Kong, and in the arrivals hall at the Macau Ferry Terminal. Maps of Macau are
available as well as Macau Travel Talk and the pamphlet Macau Walking Tours . Some bro-
chures are available online.
Overseas HKTB branch offices: Australia: Hong Kong House, Level 4, 80 Druitt Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000, tel: 02-9283 3083. UK: 6 Grafton Street. London WIX 3LB, tel:
020-7533 7100.
Hong Kong is not an easy place for travellers with disabilities. Hong Kong's frequent steps
and many steep streets, narrow crowded footpaths and the pedestrian overpasses are not eas-
ily negotiated. Some hotels have special facilities for the disabled, most buildings have lifts,
escalators are common, and taxis are inexpensive and easy to find. Contact HKTB
( ) for more information and advice.
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