Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The hours in the following chart refer to the months when many countries in the northern
hemisphere move their clocks one hour ahead (Daylight Savings). Hong Kong stays the
same year-round, at GMT + 8.
New York London Hong Kong Sydney Auckland
7am noon 7pm 9pm 11pm
Tipping in Hong Kong is confusing; who should be tipped and when is not always clear.
Most hotels and restaurants add a 10 percent service charge, but whether it goes to staff is
debatable, In inexpensive places, round up the bill or leave 5-10 percent.
Tourist guides do not indicate that they expect a tip, but they should receive about 10 per-
cent of the cost of the tour. A hotel porter expects HK$5-10 per bag. Lavatory attendants
deserve HK$2-5, depending on the establishment. For taxi drivers you can simply round up
the fare to the nearest dollar or two.
The best rule is to tip according to how you feel; not everybody tips in Hong Kong and any-
thing you give will be graciously received.
Public toilets are well dispersed and there are usually plenty of options. Shopping malls usu-
ally have good facilities and places frequented by tourists and up-market establishments will
have Western toilets. You may encounter Chinese squat toilets in non-tourist areas or even
in restaurants with a largely Chinese clientele; most of these in Hong Kong are clean and
Where are the toilets? Chi saw haih been do a?
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