Graphics Programs Reference
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Customizing your Revit families to meet your company's standards makes
them easier to use and can help utilize the model information for design
decisions. To customize a panel with clearance space lines, do the following:
1. Open the Ch13Panel.rfa file found at
masteringrevitmep2015 .
2. Click the Object Styles button on the Settings panel of the Manage tab.
Create a new subcategory under Electrical Equipment called
Clearance Lines for the 2D lines that will show the clearance area in
plan view. Choose a line weight of 4, blue line color, and hidden line
pattern for this subcategory. Click OK to close the Object Styles dialog
3. Open the Front elevation view.
4. Click the Symbolic Line button on the Annotate tab. Select Clearance
Lines from the drop-down list on the Subcategory panel of the Modify |
Place Symbolic Lines contextual tab.
5. Draw a line from the upper-left corner of the panel object 4″ (100 mm)
to the left. Draw a perpendicular line 3′-0″ (1 m) up from the panel.
Draw a line 2′-4″ (0.7 m) to the right. Draw a line down, perpendicular
to the front of the panel. Draw a line to the upper-right corner of the
panel to complete the clearance area. (You can use different dimensions
according to your standards. The point is to draw the space in front of
the panel.)
6. Click the Aligned button on the Dimensions panel of the Annotate tab to
draw a dimension from the left reference plane to the clearance line
parallel to it. Click the lock grip to constrain the clearance line to the
reference plane. Repeat the process for the reference plane and parallel
clearance line on the right side of the panel.
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