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village of Metlakatla. He tells the story of “Raven stealing the light” about as well as I've
ever heard it told. I do cry.
12 Noon. Lunch. Gaetano was making pasta Alfredo in the Harbor Grill. I'm doomed
and so are my hips.
1:30 p.m. The Jay and Vickie Show, where our resident anthropologists delivered a talk
called “Take This Job and Love It.” Vickie told how she came to write a topic about
carving a totem pole and Jay talked about the spirit quest a Tlingit elder sent him on, right
after the elder told him, “Jay, you're such a white man.”
3:30 p.m. Father Brad Reynolds, S.J. and fellow mystery author, delivered the last of
the writing workshops, this one on endings. Sue and I sat in the front row and behaved
disgracefully. I think we've been excommunicated and neither of us is even Catholic. In
spite of us Brad's workshop was a roaring success. I took copious notes on how to end fu-
ture topics.
4:10 p.m. The sun was out again. It just won't stay decently clothed in clouds and fog
like a normal, self-respecting Pacific Northwest sun. We were traveling down the seaward
side of Vancouver Island. There were margaritas on the aft deck but no gray whales.
7:15 p.m. The captain's farewell cocktail party in the Mid-Ocean Lounge. Jay and Sue
did the tango. Sort of. No more of the captain's wine for those two.
8 p.m. Dinner with Captain Donal Ryan. I actually had to sit next to the man. Okay,
fine, I delivered greetings from the salon and waited for his reaction. He had a hard time
keeping his face straight. He inquired as to the originator of the message. I equivocated.
He guessed anyway, corrected my pronunciation, and is I believe even now concocting
some horrific revenge. Turns out he has a wicked sense of humor and that he's moving to
Homer. We're practically neighbors. What was I so worried about?
9:45 p.m. Farewell Gala Show. I have got to get some sleep. Not to mention start pack-
Day 14: May 27 th , Victoria
Sprinkles. Shopping. Packing. Tired.
Day 15: May 28 th , Vancouver
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