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In the Lab
Lab 2: Whooping Crane Video
Instructions: Your biology class is learning about bird migration. You have read about how some
researchers are attempting to reintroduce Whooping Cranes in the U.S. and help Whooping Cranes
raised in captivity participate in migration. You have found a video clip that shows these efforts in
progress. You decide to create a Web page that will show this video, as shown in Figure 8-19.
video clip displays
with control panel
Figure 8-19
Perform the following tasks:
1. Using Notepad++, open the HTML file lab8-2.html in the Chapter08\IntheLab folder of the Data
Files for Students.
2. Add the video clip whooper.wmv to the Web page using the object element.
3. Do not allow this video to start automatically and display the player controls.
4. Save the HTML file in the Chapter08\IntheLab folder as lab8-2solution.html. Validate the file and
then print it.
5. Test the Web page in Internet Explorer.
6. Submit the solution in the format specified by your instructor.
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