Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information Clinical/Diagnostic Research
In medical, biochemical, biomedical, biotech-
nological, and other fields of research, a clinical/
diagnostic research forms an important part.
Generally this type of research follows a case
study method, in which in-depth study is made
to reveal the causes of a particular phenomenon
or to diagnose a particular phenomenon. This
type of clinical/diagnostic research helps in
knowing the causes and the relationship among
the causes of a particular effect which has
already occurred.
may help the researcher in designing his or her
research program. Explanatory Research
The purpose of explanatory research design is
to answer the question
. That means in explan-
atory research, the problem is known and
descriptions of the problem are with the
researcher but the causes or reasons or the descrip-
tion of the described findings is yet to be known.
Thus, explanatory research starts working where
descriptive research ends. For example, descrip-
tive research has findings that more than 30% of
people in a particular community suffer from a
particular disease or abnormality. Now, an
explanatory researcher starts working to search
the reason for such results. He or she is interested
in knowing why a particular phenomenon is hap-
pening, what are the reasons behind it, and how
could it be improved upon.
why Conclusion-Oriented Research
In conclusion-oriented research, a researcher
picks up his or her problem design and redesigns
a research process as he or she proceeds to have a
definite conclusion from the research. This type
of research leads to yield definite conclusion. Decision-Oriented Research
In decision-oriented type of research, a researcher
needs to carry out a research process so as
to facilitate the decision-making process. A
researcher is not free to take up a research process
or research program according to his or her own
inclination. Evaluation Research
In a broad sense, evolutionary research connotes
the use of research methods to evaluate the
program or services and determine how effec-
tively they are achieving the goals. Evaluationary
research contributes to a body of verifiable knowl-
edge. The government or different organizations
are taking up different developmental projects or
programs. Evaluationary research develops a tool
to evaluate the success/failure/lacunae of such
research program. Evaluationary research program
helps in decision-making process at the highest
level of government departments or NGOs. Exploratory Research
Exploratory research is associated with the
development of a hypothesis. It is the type of
research in which a researcher has no idea
about the possible outcome of the research.
Research is an innovative activity. It is an intel-
lectual process to provide more benefits to the
community. Exploratory research is the tool to
discover hidden facts underlying the universe.
Exploratory research can, however, be conducted
to enrich a researcher on a particular phenome-
non he or she wishes to study. For example,
if a researcher intends to study social interaction
pattern against the polio vaccination program
or polythene avoidance program but has little
idea about human behavior, a preliminary inter-
action with persons related against the polio
vaccinations or against the polythene avoidance Operation Research
Operation research is a type of a decision-
oriented research. It is a scientific method of
providing quantitative basis for decision making
by the decision makers under their control. Market Research
Nowadays, market research is an important field
of business or industry. This type of research
generally falls under socioeconomic research
pattern in which social economic behavior of
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