Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Note: The Mask requires an Image or other Visual component in
order to mask the child area. Having a Mask on its own without an
additional component that uses the Canvas layout won't work and
will not mask the area.
If you add a Mask component to the ScrollRectArea GameObject from the previous
example (and an Image component without setting a Source Image , as the Mask
requires a Graphic component), then it would only show the Content area within the
bounds of the ScrollRectArea GameObject's Rect Transform as seen here:
Resolution and scaling
Since there has been a UI and the need to display on more than one type of screen
(basically since the days of arcade when you knew what you were running on), there
has always been the challenge how to best design and implement a good UI that will
work on any resolution, especially in Unity!
We will just cover the basics in this section, and full examples will be
given in Chapter 4 , Anchors Away when we cover building responsive
layouts with Anchors .
To answer this call with the new Unity UI system, Unity has created a resolution
scaling component that is attached to a Canvas by default in order to control
the resolution-based drawing of the GameObjects and components within; this
component is called the Canvas Scaler .
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