Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The Canvas Scaler has several modes of operation that alter how the Canvas is
scaled when drawn to the screen:
Constant Pixel size
Scale with Screen Size
Constant Screen Size
The Canvas Scaler script shows some interesting ways to write a
script that alters the resolution of a Canvas ; if you wish, you can
extend the existing script or create your own. Extensibility to the
max! (See Chapter 6 , Working with the UI Source for further details on
viewing the Unity UI source.) However, you can only use one script
at a time, else your display will be completely messed up.
Constant Pixel Size
With the Canvas Scaler Ui Scale Mode set to Constant Pixel Size , we see the
following in the Inspector :
The Constant Pixel Size setting basically means no resolution control at all; the
Canvas is simply drawn as is without any resolution management.
The only available options are the Scale Factor , which alters all three transform
scale components ( X , Y , and Z ) by the same value and the Reference Pixels Per
Unit setting, which sets the Pixels Per Unit setting for the Canvas .
The Pixels Per Unit setting defines how many in game units an object
takes up (how big it is in relation to your other GameObjects). This is
then used by the Reference value that decides how many pixels are in
1 unit, 100 pixels in this case makes 1 game unit of width and height.
For more information on this, check the Unity documentation here:
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