Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
| `-- man8
|-- manual
| |-- developer
| |-- faq
| |-- howto
| |-- images
| |-- misc
| |-- mod
| |-- platform
| |-- programs
| |-- rewrite
| |-- ssl
| |-- style
| | |-- css
| | |-- lang
| | |-- latex
| | `-- xsl
| | `-- util
| `-- vhosts
`-- modules
38 directories
7. Open and edit the Apache configuration httpd.conf file:
[webadmin@web01]$ vi $APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf
8. Locate the following two lines. They are at different locations of the file:
Listen 80
9. Change the location to:
Listen web01:80
ServerName web01:80
10. Type :wq! to save the file and exit the editor.
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