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11. As a root user, change apachectl and httpd file owner to root and add the
setuid file permission so Apache can listen to port 80 :
[root@web01]$ cd $APACHE_HOME/bin
[root@web01]$ chown root:webadmin apachectl httpd
[root@web01]$ chmod u+s apachectl httpd
12. Apache HTTP Server is now ready to be started with the webadmin user:
[webadmin@web01]$ $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl start
13. Test if Apache is running:
[webadmin@web01]$ curl http://web01
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
14. To shutdown Apache, issue the stop command:
[webadmin@web01]$ $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl stop
15. Remove the temporary directory:
[webadmin@web01]$ rm -rf ~/apache-tmp
16. Repeat all the steps on the web02 machine, using the appropriate web02 hostname
when needed.
How it works...
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x is now installed with the default options and will be used as
a Web Server example in the next recipe.
Other Apache conigurations are not within the scope of this topic, so the only setting changed
so far is the default listen address, which is now configured to use the web01
and web02 hostnames.
See also
F Using the Web Server Plug-in to load balance HTTP Requests to WebLogic cluster
Using the Web Server Plug-in to load
balance HTTP Requests to WebLogic cluster
The WebLogic cluster itself does not distribute the incoming HTTP requests across the
Managed Servers, so the architecture design should foresee a load balance mechanism.
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