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[webadmin@web01]$ cd ~/apache-tmp
[webadmin@web01]$ tar xfv ../httpd-2.2.xx.tar
3. This recipe will use /oracle/apache as the default installation folder for Apache
HTTP Server. Run the configure command from the temporary directory to prepare
the source files:
[webadmin@web01]$ cd ~/apache-tmp/httpd-2-2.xx
[webadmin@web01]$ ./configure --prefix=/oracle/apache --with-
4. Compile and build Apache:
[webadmin@web01]$ make
5. Install Apache:
[webadmin@web01]$ make install
6. Apache HTTP Server should be installed at /oracle/apache with the following
directory structure:
[webadmin@web01]$ cd $APACHE_HOME
[webadmin@web01]$ tree -d
|-- bin
|-- build
|-- cgi-bin
|-- conf
| |-- extra
| `-- original
| `-- extra
|-- error
| `-- include
|-- htdocs
|-- icons
| `-- small
|-- include
|-- lib
| `-- pkgconfig
|-- logs
|-- man
| |-- man1
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