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technologies should be reviewed in order to have a better balance between various
RES. The heating and cooling sector limps unless additional measures will be taken;
the overall objective should be reached by making use of biomass (12.6 %), solar
thermal (3.7 %), and geothermal (0.5 %). In the transport sector, the Greek govern-
ment is more active and regulatory action plans to promote domestic production of
biodiesel; a lot of effort will be put on exploring the local potential and the develop-
ment of delivery channels. The projections for RES in the transport sector involve
the use of bioethanol (414 ktoe), biodiesel (203), and RES electricity (16.5 %).
Hungary The Hungarian NREAP splits the target of 13 % RES in 10.9 % RES elec-
tricity, 19.2 % RES heating and cooling, and 11.2 % RES used in transport. The
Hungarian government is expected to exceed the overall target of about 1.7 % by
2020. The electricity target should be reached by making use mainly of biomass and
wind. RES' projections for heating and cooling take into account biomass (12.6 %),
geothermal (3.7 %), solar thermal (0.8 %), and biogas (0.6 %). Projections for RES
used in transport make use of biodiesel (295 ktoe), bioethanol (189 ktoe), RES elec-
tricity (24 ktoe), and biofuels (22 ktoe).
Ireland The Irish government has divided the 16 % RES overall target of energy
in 42.5 % from electricity consumption, 12 % in heat consumption, and 10 % in
transport consumption. The Irish government has in its NREAP also an export
scenario, given the great potential of Ireland in terms of RES. The electricity sec-
tor must be supported by effective policies and a stable market has to be created
for investors so that Ireland really manages to become even an exporter of energy
from RES. Projections for RES electricity in 2020 are supported mainly by wind
power and biomass. The outlook for the heating and cooling Irish sector is smaller;
the domestic policy gives a subsidy to homeowners in terms of contribution to the
cost of installing an RES technology in the existing home. The objective in heating
and cooling should be reached by using biomass (9.2 %), RES from heat pumping
(1.7 %), biogas (0.7 %), and solar thermal (0.4 %). With regard to the transport sec-
tor, the national scheme of 2010 requires all suppliers of road fuel to use biofuels
in the fuel mix initially for an amount equal to 4 % per year, to be increased over
time. It is expected to achieve the target with biodiesel (342 ktoe) and bioethanol
(139 ktoe).
Italy The Italian NREAP plans to achieve the overall RES target of 17 % through
the use of 26.4 % in electricity consumption, 17.1 % in heat consumption, and
10.1 % in transport consumption. Regarding electricity, Italy uses a fairly broad
mix of RES from hydro and wind energy to photovoltaic, etc. However, the net-
work is not yet capable of supporting the requirements for the connection of RES,
especially in remote areas where there is a great potential for RES. In the field of
heating and cooling, there are no specific incentives for the development of the
sector, with the exception of some tax deductions. The 17.1 % in heat consumption
is planned to be achieved through biomass (8.8 %), RES from heat pumps (4.8 %),
solar thermal (2.6 %), geothermal (0.5 %), and biogas (0.4 %). The diffusion of RES
in transport in Italy is based on a mandatory minimum share of biofuels which is
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