Environmental Engineering Reference
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Finland The Finnish NREAP expected to reach the RES target of 38 % by the strat-
egy of 32.9 % in electricity consumption, 47.5 % in heat consumption, and 20 % in
transport consumption. Both the overall and sectoral targets are challenging, given
the current system of support for RES; this means that Finland needs to revise a new
system of incentives. The RES scenario for electricity involves the use of hydro,
biomass, and wind. The heating and cooling sector projects to use 25.7 % biogas
and 17.5 % biomass to reach the overall 47.5 % in heat consumption. RES used in
transport will be mainly biodiesel (430 ktoe) and bioethanol (130 ktoe); further-
more, it is provided for the use of electric vehicles (40 ktoe).
France The French NREAP splits the 23 % RES target in 27 % in electricity con-
sumption, 33 % in heat consumption, and 10.5 % for RES used in transport. The
electricity sector is driven mainly by large hydro and wind power; photovoltaic
technology has a rather slow development. There have been some changes in the
regulation concerning RES that have affected investment in the sector. The heating
and cooling sector is estimated that the measures taken in the construction indus-
try are stimulating for the installation of RES technologies. The 33 % goal in heat
consumption is reached making use of biomass (26.5 %), geothermal (4 %), solar
thermal (1.6 %), and biogas (0.9 %). In the transport sector, all EU member states
are obliged to draw up a national scheme by which national operators demonstrate
the sustainability of their biofuels or bioliquids. At the time of writing NREAP,
France did not show any scheme. The projections to 2020 for RES used in transport
expect to implement biodiesel (2850 ktoe), bioethanol (650), renewable electricity
(402 ktoe), and others (110 ktoe).
Germany The German NREAP intends to achieve the target of 18 % RES by
implementing the portfolio of 38.6 % RES in electricity consumption, 15.5 % RES
in heat consumption, and 13.2 % RES in transport. Although the German govern-
ment expects to achieve the goal of 19.6 % of RES in gross final energy consump-
tion in 2020, the RES target remains at 18 %. The electricity sector is driven by
wind and solar power; the sector is affected by the cuts made to the system to
support RES and there is concern among investors with respect to the long-term
stability of the support policy. The NREAP does not have very ambitious plans
for existing and new buildings; the overall objective of 15 % in heat consumption
should be reached by 10.4 % biomass, 1.8 % biogas, 1.3 % solar thermal, 1.2 %
RES from heat pumps, and 0.8 % geothermal. The transport sector is the one that,
according to the NREAP, has the greatest need to be revitalized; the increase in
consumption of biofuels will be satisfied by imports, with negative impacts on
both the domestic industry and the environment. The projections for RES in trans-
port expect to employ biodiesel (4443 ktoe), bioethanol (857 ktoe), RES electric-
ity (667), and others (173 ktoe).
Greece The Greek NREAP has divided the 18 % overall target of energy from RES
in 39.8 % in electricity consumption, 19.7 % in heat consumption, and 10.1 % in
transport consumption. The RES electricity scenario intends to achieve the goal
by using mainly wind power even if the NREAP notes that the share of RES
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