Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Project Organisation
2.1 Quality Management as a Project
To start with one has to differentiate between the line function “IT Quality
Management” and some quality management project. Acceptance of new software
or new releases or parts of it typically fulfils project characteristics:
￿ Defined starting point
￿ Defined end point
￿ Clearly stated terms of reference
￿ Participation of specially requested specialists from different departments.
Furthermore there exists the possibility that the sub-project “acceptance” can be
part of a wider project context such as re-structuring efforts. The management of
such a project or sub-project will be carried out by the organisational unit “IT
Quality Management”, if a company has one. Otherwise a temporary structure has
to be created for such a project. If a similar project exists, under certain circum-
stances its structures and resources may be used.
The following explications assume that the development unit of the software
vendor has its own proper quality management. His quality management takes care
that only quality assured software components are delivered to the customer. This
￿ Tested by developers and
￿ Clearly versionised modules ordered by the customer.
Correspondingly the customer creates capabilities to verify that “delivery takes
place of what had been ordered”. Just as with any other goods entry, order and
delivery are balanced against each other and possible discrepancies recorded for
later correction. Reference basis for the order are functional specifications mutually
agreed upon beforehand. While the internal quality management of the supplier
carries out some sort of “factory acceptance” for his concerns the customer quality
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