Information Technology Reference
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requirements of organisations. In any case one has to take into account that such
systems are subject to customising and require corresponding parameterization.
Such systems for example are large business and technical applications. To
quote but some, they comprise ERP, CRM, store management, quality control
systems, maintenance management systems, support systems for business processes
in utilities, billing in telecommunications and others. In the technical field there are:
CAD, finite element calculation and design methods, control systems, simulations
and model calculations in physics.
It is important that there is a significant portion of customising required on the
one hand (including development from scratch) and that there is some degree of
complexity regarding functional variety, number of users, interface connections
and data volumes. In case applications under consideration do not or only rudi-
mentary meet these boundary conditions the proposed methods in this topic will be
difficult to justify for economic reasons.
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