Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
If you followed the previous steps, your scene should look something like the one
shown in the previous screenshot: two trees, one car, the Objects toolbar, and the
Place object button activated. That is why we still control the yellow boundary box.
We can deactivate the Place object button by selecting another tool, and for this, we
can use the following keys:
M : This is used to move the 3D model
L : This is used to scale the 3D model
R : This is used to rotate the 3D model
The previous screenshot helps you identify where you can find these tools, including
a button that is really important; this allows you to delete 3D models. Let's move
the car, and for this, press the M key or select the Move object tool from the toolbar.
Since we have the Transport category activated and we selected the move tool, we
can control any object from this category. To control a 3D model, we need to start
by clicking on the small white dot that appears on the car, as you can see in the
following screenshot:
With the left mouse button, click and drag the car to move the car to a different place,
and a white line will appear showing the distance (in meters). The same principle
applies to the other tools. To delete a 3D model, we just need to select the Trash
object button and click on the small white dot to delete it.
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