Environmental Engineering Reference
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EUROSTAT (2012) Electricity and natural gas price statistics on May 2012
Feibel BJ (2003) Investment performance measurement, 1st edn. Wiley, New York
Ippolito MG, Riva Sanseverino E, Zizzo G (2014) Impact of building automation control systems
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Italian Law n.10/1991 (1991) Norme per l'attuazione del Piano energetico nazionale in materia
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Italian Legislative Decree n.311/06 (2006) Disposizioni correttive ed integrative al decreto
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Italian Technical Standard UNI TS 11300-1 (2008) Energy performance of buildings—part 1
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Italian Technical Standard UNI TS 11300-2 (2008) Energy performance of buildings—part 2
calculation of energy primary and energy performance for heating plant and domestic hot
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with decree of the 16th of February 2010
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in assessment: an Italian case study. Energy Policy 4:176-184
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