Information Technology Reference
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one but of different nature (for example a working
process has an impact in a decision making one).
In this sense, and just as an example, the automatic
feeding of a customer's data by using a corpora-
tive Intranet (work process) can allow that any
point of selling can directly solve a decision that
affects the customer, and in case of not counting
with that automatic feed, it will be impossible to
develop this process (for example the process of
offering a bank loan to a customer).
one in the firm and it must help people to
be involved and enthusiastic with the new
project. The firms can use different chan-
nels to offer the information
Kick-off: a meeting with all the par-
ticipants. A starting point in the proj-
ect with an explanation of the main
objectives and the methodology used
to achieve them.
The information bulletin
The periodical information, to public-
ity the project state of the art
Models of Change Oriented
to Processes
The development of the Intranet:
public information of the generated
documents from the project to the
firm's intranet.
We offer here some ways of creating an environ-
ment of change in the organisations,
To create a dissatisfaction: by showing
lack of skills in the status quo, by commu-
nicating relevant variations in the internal
profile and the external situation, that show
the need of change. For example, the glo-
balisations of the markets have made ap-
peared the need of marketing the products
in new geographical areas. For that reason,
it is important for the system and the peo-
ple in the company to be able to work in
different languages and currency.
To build support for the change: by identifying
the persons in charge of the change efforts and
work with them. Before starting a project, it is
important to define who are responsible of it in
the firm that it is implementing the system and in
the external collaboration groups too.
To define specific objectives for the
change: in detail and that can be measured
in clear deadlines. Work teams are usually
established to fix the objectives associated
to the different business areas implied in
the project and measure the persecution of
the objectives and typical deviations.
To reduce the fear for the change: by es-
tablishing open discussions, based on the
experience of other companies and other
parts in the organisation. For example,
the resistance to change can be a decisive
cause for the failure of a project of ERP
implementation. For that reason, most
companies apply for the collaboration of
external consultancy firms experienced in
the same industry, to be informed before
starting any project.
To define awards and punishments in the
change and their impact in the profiles and
work places. In the contracts of collabora-
tion with external providers, it is important
to include mechanisms of punishment by
both parts (provider and customer). They
can be activated in case there are devia-
tions in the final ERP functionality or in
the initial agreed deadlines.
To create energy in the company around
the benefits of the change in people from
an individual and collective perspective.
For this reason the information must be
properly managed. It must reach to every-
To plan the adequate training and synchro-
nised with change. In the various phases
of the project, different training plans are
established according to the different users
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