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Figure 3. The steps in the process of change
Rosario, 2000; Al-Mashari et al., 2003). It is in
relation with the need of establishing a responsible
for the software implementation referred by the
consultants in the interviews.
The organisational inertia has to do with aspects
in relation to culture, values and ways of group
expression in the organization. Organizational
change implies the leaving of some structures,
procedures and behaviours and the adoption of
other ones, with the main objective of improving
the final performance. The management of the
change implies the application of concepts, tech-
niques and methodologies that are going to make
it possible the complex migration from an initial
not desired status to another final desired one.
The management of change must start with
the challenge of determining what is going to be
changed. We have to distinguish between people;
they must make decisions in relation to what it
is going to be changed since they have respon-
sibilities in the organisations, and those who are
directly related in the process, people who are
asked in an informal way and those others who
are not even asked for. Once the change has been
implemented, there will be people informed and
trained in the process and people who have just
been informed. These circumstances logically
are going to have an impact in the change, in a
positive or negative way.
The Process: The Main
Axis for the Change
Organisations develop their objectives through
processes. A process is a group of tasks allocated
in different firm areas and that develops a group
of functionalities or specialisations. In this sense,
we can say that a process is trans-functional. A
process has a point of start and end and around it
many different functions are working in different
periods of time, in a parallel or sequential way.
The concept of trans-functionality in the
process and the consideration of the co-living of
different kind of processes in the organisations
are very important when considering the organi-
sational change. In the first place, because the
effort in the change it is going to promote impact
in the whole process, because any of the firm's
task is part of a whole business process, and, in
the second place, because a change in any part of a
process, it does not matter its nature, will have an
impact in a process connected with the previous
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