Travel Reference
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Statue of Matthias Corvinus
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Flanking St Michael's Church to the south is the bulky 1902 equestrian statue of Matthias
Corvinus, the famous Hungarian king and son of Iancu de Hunedoara.
National Art Museum
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(Piaţa Unirii 30; adult/student 5/3 lei; 10am-5pm Wed-Sun) On the eastern side of Pi-
aţa Unirii is the National Art Museum, housed inside the baroque Banffy Palace (1791).
The couple of dozen rooms are filled with paintings and artefacts, including a 16th-cen-
tury church altar and many 20th-century paintings. The inner courtyard (free entry) some-
times stage s outdoor shows, as do the ground-floor halls.
Pharmaceutical Museum
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(Str Regele Ferdinand I; adult/child 5.20/3.10 lei; 10am-4pm Mon-Wed & Fri,
noon-6pm Thu) Tours are led by a hilarious pharmacist in a white lab coat, who points like
a game-show model towards (seemingly ho-hum) glass cases of ground mummy dust, me-
dieval alchemist symbols and painted 18th-century aphrodisiac bottles.
Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania
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(Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei; ; Str Memorandumului
21; adult/student 6/3 lei; 9am-4pm Tue-Sat) Freshly renovated, the Ethnographic Mu-
seum of Transylvania has two floors of well-presented displays featuring tools, weapons,
hand crafts, toys and household items with detailed descriptions in English. It also runs
the open-air Ethnographic Museum (adult 6 lei, child free; 9am-5pm Tue-Sun, closed
Apr) , with 14 traditional buildings; take bus 26, 27 and 28 to Hoia forest from the train
station or bus 30 from the centre.
Around Piaţa Muzeului, a couple of blocks north of Piaţa Unirii, this charming neighbour-
hood is pleasant to explore on foot, letting you dip into courtyards for a peek at local life
and seeing remnants of archaeological digs that have been going on here since 1991 in the
southern and northeastern sections of the square.
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