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improved, at the same time power and size of new vehicles are increasing. This is
the reason why there has been no net saving in average consumption per vehicle-
kilometer, around 5 MJ/vehicle-kilometer (0.12 L/km). In terms of CO2 intensity,
this corresponds to 119 goe/vehicle-kilometer (equivalent grams of oil per vehicle-
kilometer unit).
CO 2 Emissions Trend Scenarios and Potential Mitigation
Strategies in the Transport Sector
The situation of the transport sector in Spain, when related to energy saving and
CO2 emissions, implies that there is a need to develop a master plan and joining
efforts from different areas and fields. It is necessary to define future scenarios and
to establish improvement objectives. The current trend scenario (BAU) has an
annual emission growth rate of 3.7%. For this reason, a reduction scenario is
needed (RED) with the objective to decrease GHG 20% until 2020. This scenario
must take place through the fulfillment of the National Plan of Allocation of
Emission Rights in 2010 (+37% compared to the 1990 level) [13] . This means a
total reduction of emissions, between 2005 and 2020, of 1,145 million tones CO2
compared to the trend scenario.
Reduction of emissions can only be obtained through a clear policy, which
includes a set of measures of efficiency in all fields, looking for synergies among
them and coordinating a formal action plan. Changes in CO2 emission trends could
be achieved by means of the following measures: vehicle and fuel technological
(VFT)improvements, freight modal share (FMS) changes, improvement of interur-
ban modal share of passengers traffic (IMT), improvement of urban modal share of
passengers traffic, reduction of length and number of motorized trips (UMT) and
efficient use of vehicles (EUV).
The potential reduction of these measures will depend on how they are applied,
controlled and monitored; consequently no accurate figures are given. However,
following the indications of the Action Plan of the Strategy of Energy Efficiency
(E4) [14] , the objectives could match those listed in Table 2 . As it shown, a big
Table 2 Reduction of CO 2 emissions by measures groups, 2004-2020
(MtCO 2 )
2004-2020 (MtCO 2 )
Trend scenario BAU (1)
Saving measures
VFT: vehicle and fuel technology
FMS: freight modal share
IMT: interurban modal traffic
UMT: urban modal traffic
EUV: efficient use of vehicles
Total saving (2)
Reduction scenario R ED (1-2)
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