Database Reference
In-Depth Information
◦ Right-click on a Date/Time (for example, CreatedDate ) column in your
query and click on Duplicate Column .
◦ Navigate to the last column ( Copy of CreatedDate ). Right-click on the
column and click on Rename… . Remove Copy of and insert a space
between Created and Date .
◦ Right-click on the Created Date column, click on Change Type , and go
to Data/Time | Time Zone .
◦ Right-click on the Created Date column and click on Transform and
Date Only . All right-click tasks provide functionality to manipulate data.
◦ All actions that are taken to update the query in the editor are recorded in
the Query Settings area.
6. Data in the query can be the input for Power Query formulas. Date, time, number,
text, and many other functions are available for you out of the box. You may have
a requirement to know the week of the year when incidents are created. By per-
forming the following steps you can update the query by creating a column that
calculates this number based on the date of creation:
◦ In the Add Column tab of the ribbon, click on Add Custom Column .
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