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14 end
15 end
Implementing Repair Damage Powerup
Repairing broken tank is probably the most important powerup of them all, so let's
implement it first:
1 class RepairPowerup < Powerup
2 def pickup (object)
3 if object . class == Tank
4 if object . health . health < 100
5 object . health . restore
6 end
7 true
8 end
9 end
11 def graphics
12 :repair
13 end
14 end
This was incredibly simple. Health#restore already existed since we had to respawn
our tanks. We can only hope other powerups are as simple to implement as this one.
Implementing Health Boost
Repairing damage is great, but how about boosting some extra health for upcoming battles?
Health boost to the rescue:
1 class HealthPowerup < Powerup
2 def pickup (object)
3 if object . class == Tank
4 object . health . increase( 25 )
5 true
6 end
7 end
9 def graphics
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