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The Google Keyword Tool can be used to find the total global monthly searches of any
Go ahead and visit that website and start learning how to use the Google Keyword Tool.
Start by typing in a random word into the search box. Google will return with a list of re-
lated keywords to the initial keyword you typed in, and all those words will have related
data columns beside them. The only data column we care about right now is the “global
monthly searches” column.
Note: When you go to look up keyword values in the Google Keyword Tool, be sure
to look up the EXACT match keywords and not the BROAD match keywords (this
is because we want to use only searches that type in that exact keyword and no other
words mixed in). Also be sure to use the GLOBAL average monthly searches instead
of LOCAL (this is because we can drive traffic from all around the world to our web-
site, not just our country).
So now that you have familiarized yourself with the Google Keyword Tool a bit, type in
the topic (or one of the topics) you would like to make your blog about. Make sure your
setting is on “EXACT”.
So for example, if you were to type in the keyword “cement”, the results page should look
something like this (note that I put the setting on “EXACT”):
Search WWH ::

Custom Search