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, then the row norms of the Jacobians around E 1
generated by the matrix P are bounded by the row norm of the matrix
As before, let P
! 1 a 1 a 1
! x 0
1 a 1 a 1 Bx.N 1/
e 1 /
e 1 /
1 a 2
1 a 2
which is below one if
1 a 1 C a 1 Bx.N 1/
2.B C e 1 / <1;
that is, when
x< 2.B C e 1 /
B.N 1/ :
Hence the equilibrium E 1 is locally asymptotically stable for all values of N.
Similarly, E 2 is locally asymptotically stable if there is a positive x such that
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
a 2 B
2x.B C e 2 / C
1 a 2 a 2 B.N 2/
2.B C e 2 /
which occurs if
1<1 a 2 1 C
B.N 2/
2.B C e 2 /
Therefore, E 2 is stable provided that
0<a 2 B.N 2/ C 2.B C e 2 /
2.B C e 2 /
From this stability condition we can now derive several interesting results. First,
as already shown before, in the case of duopoly .N D 2/ the boundary equilibrium
E 2 is also always stable, like E 1 . Moreover, the boundary equilibrium E 2 is stable
provided that a 2 is sufficiently small, which means that firms 2;:::;N haveahigh
inertia in adjusting their quantities toward the best responses. Finally, increasing the
number of firms has a destabilizing role. In fact the stability condition can be written
2.2 a 2 /.B C e 2 /
Ba 2
N<2 C
so that for given cost parameters and adjustment speeds asymptotic stability is lost
when the number of firms reaches a certain size.
To conclude this section, we study the global dynamics of the semi-symmetric
model. Consider again the parameter values A D 450, B D 30 and c 1 D c 2 D ::: D
c N D 275, e 1 D e 2 D D e N D 17. For the adjustment speeds of the two
firms we select a 1 D 0:6 and a 2 D D a N D 0:45. For these parameter values
the stability condition derived in the previous paragraph tells us that the boundary
equilibrium E 2 is asymptotically stable if N<4. In Fig. 1.12a we depict the basins
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