Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
TV, and are decorated with traditional spreads, although they're more comfortable than
luxurious. It also has a range of chalets and family suites.
Ghanzi Trailblazers $
( 7210 2868; ; campsite per person from US$10, huts/
chalets per person from US$20/40) This relaxed place offers guided walks with San
guides, horse riding, Bushmen huts and simple motel-style rooms in chalets, as well as an
OK campsite and communal dining area.
Tasty Chicken $
(Henry Jankie Dr; mains from P35) The local greasy spoon serves little more than fried
chicken and chips, but in the remote Kalahari even that's something you might appreciate.
Gantsi Craft
( 659 6241; Henry Jankie Dr; 8am-12.30pm & 2-5pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon Sat)
This cooperative was established in 1953 as a craft outlet and training centre for the San.
It's an excellent place to shop for traditional San crafts, including hand-dyed textiles, dec-
orated bags, leather aprons, bows and arrows, musical instruments and woven mats. Prices
are 30% to 50% lower than in Maun or Gaborone, and all proceeds go to the local artists.
Getting There & Away
From the bus terminal behind the BP petrol station along Kgosi Sebele Way, there are
buses to Maun (P63, five hours, two daily) via D'Kar (P15, one hour), and to Gaborone
(P130, 11 hours, three daily).
A combi leaves most mornings for the Namibian border at Mamuno (P35, three hours),
but there are no cross-border services.
POP 1670
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