Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You don't have to select up-front every image that you wish to stamp. Simply leave
the Lift & Stamp dialog open, select a new image, and click Stamp Selected Images
until you've stamped every image.
Searching for Images
Throughout this chapter, we've talked a lot about how to add metadata to your images, but we've
yet to talk about how to use that metadata to find images. There are two primary ways to search
for an image in Aperture: using Browser's search field and filter HUD to search within Browser's
contents or making a new Smart Album that searches either within a project or your entire library.
These two methods are quite similar and, in fact, use the same filter HUD to create a search query.
The main difference is that using Browser's search field and filter HUD to search is a temporary
operation. Typically, you'll search within Browser for a few particular images and then clear the
search query. Smart Albums are more permanent, offering a way to essentially save a search query.
The way Aperture searches within stacks isn't always obvious, and we'll clarify what happens for
you after we explain basic searching.
Searching within Browser
In Chapter 1, we quickly pointed out the search field and filter button but largely glossed over
them. As a reminder, you'll find them in the upper-right corner of Browser, but if they're not visi-
ble, choose View
Show Sort & Filter Controls.
Browser's search field is more than just a sim-
ple text search, though, providing easy access
to common searches. When you click its pop-
up menu, Aperture opens the menu as shown
in Figure 4.22, which has commands like
Three Stars or Better and Rejected. Select one
of these commands to filter Browser's con-
tents, and click the clear button that appears
in the search field to clear the filter.
Earlier in this chapter, we mentioned how
rather than deleting an image right away it's
best to mark it as a rejected image first. If you
look in the search field, you'll notice that it's
set to Unrated or Better by default. This means
4.22 Browser's search field's pop-up menu.
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