Game Development Reference
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FIGURE 10.56 LOD 5 up close
Our LOD model for Kila is complete, but will it work? Once we have completed the re-
ductions on Grae, we will test both characters' LODs to see how they will look in a game
when the characters move away from the camera.
Grae's LODs
For Grae's LOD work, you'll be taking over.
Load in the file you created earlier, Grae_Pose.mb.
polygon limits: 4000, 1500, 750, 350, and 150. He is a much larger character than Kila, so
he will need an extra LOD.
Remember that each LOD will be roughly twice the distance away from the camera as the
next-higher one, so keep zooming out to that level to check your progress.
Here are a few areas to consider:
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