Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 3 Schwanenstadt: the
old concrete structure is
visible with the position of
the old thermal envelope
including windows. Under
the ceiling, a ventilation unit
with vents is directly
connected to the outdoors.
Photo Xavier Dequaire
Project—First School Renovation as a Passive House—Interim report]; Erste
Passivhaus-Schulsanierung [First School Renovation as a Passive House], the
entry in the Passivhaus-Datenbank and the PHPP file.
4.2 Case 2: Sonderschule 4, Linz
A ''Sonderschule'' is a special school for children and teenagers who cannot attend
an ordinary school, and these children need special attention and sometimes
special equipment (Figs. 4 and 5 ).
The school was originally built in 1961, at an altitude of 266 m and was in poor
condition before the renovation, which was completed in September 2009. The
building was expanded with an additional floor, and a connecting corridor to the
neighbouring building was replaced by a bridge built with passive house elements.
Two outdoor recreational spaces were then united by the freed space under this
bridge. Because of a weak existing structure, the additional storey was built with a
Fig. 4 Sonderschulen 4 in
2009 just before renovation,
Credti: Immobilien Linz
GmbH & Co KG and
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