Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6 Special characteristics of network topology around B¨rzs¨ny mountainous area
Furthermore, when going into details of network topology, quite interesting
geographical motives of network organization are possible to be discovered. Fig-
ure 6 for instance mirrors some special characteristics of network topology by
examples of connections around B ¨ rzs ¨ ny mountainous area. The map confirms
that virtual space connections largely follow connections of offline geographies,
since settlements around the mountain have observably stronger network ties with
close neighbours of the same mountain side than with those on the other side. Lines
with larger LLR weights are typically located on the same side of the mountain,
while there are only rare and weak ones crossing over it.
Derived Maps and Geospatial Aggregation of Data
Beside visualisation of network topology our dataset offered the chance also to
draw derived maps of connectivity. The following thematic maps accordingly were
created by aggregating data on the level of settlements, hence reflecting further
main characteristics of online social network performance.
Figure 7 shows settlement level patterns of four different and important OSN
indicators. The first map (top left) shows the average LLR weight values by
settlements, where darker areas with higher values refer to settlements that have
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