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Fig. 2.6. Cognitive computer models
11. Cognitive machine models - just as the cognitive computer model, this is the
combination of three main components, namely artificial intelligence, cognitive
science as well as system applications and solutions (Fig. 2.7). Due to the connec-
tions and implications between these components, they form solutions called
cognitive machines (robots used for diverse jobs). These may be production ma-
chines, but they may also be humanoid robots or artificial brains. Cognitive ma-
chine models are created by stimulating cognitive solutions applied to artificial
intelligence tasks and activating processes of natural intelligence to identify the
appropriate cognitive solutions and structures. In addition, cognitive analysis
processes are applied to semantic (cognitive) solutions which become the founda-
tion of the application solutions developed. Artificial intelligence solutions are
also of great importance for developing control mechanisms, which represent a
significant component of the applications developed.
Fig. 2.7. The cognitive machine model
12. The Cognitive Model of Memory (CMM) - is a model operating based on,
and by the interconnection of various models of human memory, including:
The SBM (Sensory Buffer Memory) model - a memory model characteristic
for connections of the memory to senses.
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