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8. The natural intelligence model - is a type of system solution combining
known theories of intelligence, which include the structural theory of intelli-
gence, the hierarchical theory, the development theory and concepts of activi-
ties aimed at improving the capabilities of an individual, the assimilability and
understanding of new experience. In addition, this model shows that (both for
humans and machines) solving new problems and dealing with new situations
requires activating the information processing system in which the processing,
analysis, interpretation and reasoning processes run in a controlled and con-
scious way. In addition, they are complemented by elements of human intelli-
gence, whose domain covers executive processes, i.e. planning, controlling, ad-
justing, the processes of stimulating and controlling the strategies of action
9. The model of human perception processes - based on processes of interpret-
ing sensory data using contextual aspects, a certain attitude and knowledge
resources aimed at the correct recognition of the object. The essence of this
approach consists in description processes and research processes showing the
given object/information/data as the foundation of the perception process,
which is subject to a complete identification. The process of identification
(recognition, understanding) does not yet lead to complete analysis, because it
is only the identification and recognition of factors/processes impacting the
course/change of the analysed situation that supports the claim that the entire
process was successful.
10. Cognitive computer models - a combination of three main components in-
cluding artificial intelligence, cognitive science as well as system applications
and solutions (Fig. 2.6). Due to the connections and implications between these
components, they form solutions called cognitive computers. Models of cogni-
tive computers are created by combining cognitive solutions from the field of
artificial intelligence in which natural intelligence processes adopted for artifi-
cial analysis purposes are identified and cognitive processes which form the ba-
sis for problems of the semantic analysis of data. System applications are de-
veloped using the solutions adopted in the artificial intelligence field and
supplementing them with cognitive solutions. In addition, cognitive computer
models activate natural intelligence processes to distinguish the correct cogni-
tive solutions and structures. Cognitive analysis processes executed by cogni-
tive computers are based on semantic (cognitive) solutions which become the
foundation of the applications developed. In addition, artificial intelligence so-
lutions are of great importance for designing software, which represents a sig-
nificant component of the applications created.
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