Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When the user clicks on the Continue button, we exit the flow and our flow-scoped
named bean is destroyed as expected. Inspecting the GlassFish log confirms this fact:
Info: com.ensode.flowscope.namedbeans.RegistrationBean destroyed.
The preceding log entry came from the destroy() method on our flow-scoped
named bean, which we annotated with the @PreDestroy annotation.
HTML5 support
JSF 2.2 added new improvements to support HTML5 features. The two most
prominent features for HTML5 support are HTML5-friendly markup and
pass-through attributes.
HTML5-friendly markup
HTML5-friendly markup allows us to develop our JSF views using HTML5 tags,
as opposed to JSF-specific tags. In order use these tags, we need to include the namespace on our page and specify at least one
of the tag attributes with one of the attributes defined in this namespace.
In this section, we will rewrite the application we developed in the Developing our
first JSF application section earlier in this chapter to utilize HTML5-friendly markup.
To use HTML5-friendly markup with NetBeans, we need to create a web application
project from the Java Web section and select JavaServer Faces as a framework for
our application as usual. When adding pages to our application, we need to select
the XHTML file type from the Web category.
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